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Northwestern University

Weinberg Teaching-Track Professional Development Funds Policy

Weinberg College supports teaching-track faculty members' continued engagement with their discipline specifically as it pertains to their teaching. Upon the endorsement and support of the home department, the Associate Dean of Teaching Track and Visiting Faculty evaluates proposals for professional development funding. This includes (but is not limited to) travel to present a paper at a conference, participation in workshops that address teaching and research, travel and costs associated with learning specific skills in the discipline as oral proficiency training/testing, and other support that supports the professional development of a teaching-track faculty in their mission. The professional development should have clear benefits for the faculty in his/her mission as teaching-track faculty. This fund does not support costs of research although it may be considered as a cost-share in part of a larger research funds application.

To apply

Please submit a request to your chair. In the request please provide:

  1. A brief proposal describing the project and a rationale, describing how this supports your mission in the college.  A proposal for international travel may be turned down if there are reasonably equivalent domestic conferences/opportunities. 
  2. A detailed budget.

Your Chair or Director will please forward strong proposals with an endorsement and a proposed cost-share to Associate Dean of Teaching Track and Visiting Faculty, Monica Russel y Rodriguez at


Northwestern Travel and Entertainment Policies must be followed: Travel Policies & Procedures.

Original receipts are required and must be submitted within 90 days. Please submit receipts to your department administrator.

Submit expenses one of two ways:

  1. Enter into system online: Faculty Instructions on Entering Expense Reports (Example: Expenses Entry Quick Reference Sheet).
  2. Complete manual worksheet and turn into your department administrator: Manual Expense Entry Worksheet.

Version: 09-09-2014

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