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Northwestern University

Staff Support


This page can be useful for both staff and department chairs. Find a list of recommended report options in Faculty Folio and instructions for exporting, in bulk, vita supplements for a department.


If you have been granted additional reporting access, typically granted to department chairs and administrators, navigate to Administration > Reports in the left-hand menu.

1. Select a report type.

Recommended reports are the following:

  • Profile Reports (under Activity Reports)
    • Types of Profile Reports: Personal Information, Contact Information, Current position, Work experience, Degrees, Professional Licensures & Certifications, Military History, Rank and Promotion History, Interests, Biography
  • Activity Input Reports (under Activity Reports)
    • Form options: Activity Input (any section from Activities) or any form, such as the Weinberg College Vita Supplement, created by your school's administration
    • Report on any section except Scholarly and Creative Works, as that reporting is offered as a separate option.
  • Scholarly Activities (under Activity Reports)
    • Select a category (via "Activity" dropdown) or select All types of activities/categories.
    • Display by term or category.
    • Select statuses to output (Options are completed/published, in press, accepted, revise & resubmit, submitted, and in progress.).
  • Activity Overview - By Faculty (under Administrative Reports)
  • Activity Overview - By Term (under Administrative Reports)
  • Standard Vitas (under Administrative Reports). Use this link to "Bulk Export" vitas for your faculty.
    • To view how Weinberg Budget Committees will view faculty vitas, select the "Weinberg College Vita Supplement Report for Budget Committee Review" from the Template dropdown menu.
    • Bulk export options are print, Word document, or PDF.
2. Select "General" settings.
  • Form: choose either Activity Input (for all years of Activities) or Weinberg College Vita Supplement (for the most recent input cycle).
  • Activity: select the section in the form on which you are reporting.
  • Measure of Teaching: leave as default, “Enrollment.” Generally, we recommend that you report on teaching in CAESAR.
  • Begin and End: select the term range on which you are reporting.
  • Display Mode: leave as default, “Count Only” (you will view more than simply counts deeper in the report and can then export the details).
3. Select "Details" settings.

Activity Classifications used by Northwestern, on which you can filter reports, are the following:

  • Activity Scope (for External Service and Peer Review sections only)
  • "Did you receive compensation release for this activity?" (Medill only)
  • Honors, if any (for Degrees only)
  • Institutional Scope (for Service to Northwestern only)
  • Internal/External (for Awards and Honors section only)
4. Select "Faculty" settings.
  • Choose your unit (school or department) by selecting the “Change” button. Likely, your default unit is already selected and is your department, such as WCAS Economics.
  • Choose the "Select Individual Faculty" checkbox to identify specific faculty on which to report.
  • Tip: When choosing faculty for your unit, select “Assigned to Unit As” Both. This ensures that, even if a faculty member has a secondary appointment in your department or unit, they will still appear in the report results.
  • Employment Status: choices are Full Time, Part Time, Inactive, Staff, All Active (default) and All Faculty.
  • Begin and End: select the term range on which you are reporting.
  • You may also filter on Faculty Titles, Login Status (find who has never logged in, for example), and Teaching (filter on who has teaching data in Faculty Folio).
  • Faculty Classifications used by Northwestern are the following:
    • Faculty Rank
    • Tenure Status (values are none, Non-tenure Eligible, Tenure Eligible, Attained)
    • Vita Supplement Required (used by Weinberg; values are no, yes, exception, not applicable)
4. Select "Bulk Export" output type.

After selecting "Build Report," be sure to select the hyperlink number in the TOTAL column and row (to view the details of all faculty and activities filtered in your report). You will make this selection of the "Total" number twice; initially, only the individual and total counts display.

After selecting these total number hyperlinks, you should see the full list of activities by faculty name. 

In the top right corner of your window, select the Actions button. Export options are the following:

  • Print Page
  • Export to Word
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to PDF

Export Individual or Bulk Vitas for Faculty

  1. Select Reports in the left-hand menu.
  2. Navigate to Administrative Reports > Standard Vitas. Select your faculty based on "Employment Status" and "Assigned to Unit As."  Tip: In order to select faculty assigned to your unit both as a primary AND secondary appointment, select "Both" in the dropdown menu "Assigned to Unit As."
  3. Select the blue hyperlink that is the total number of faculty.
  4. The following are your options for selecting and configuring the vita(s) for export:
    • Template: To export the version of the vita that the Weinberg College Budget Committees use, select the Weinberg College Vita Supplement Report for Budget Committee Review.
    • Begin Term: For the Weinberg College annual vita supplement, you may wish to select the standard begin term of Winter.
    • End Term: For the Weinberg College annual vita supplement, you may wish to select the standard end term of Fall.
    • Employment Status: Options are Full Time, Part Time, Inactive, Staff, All Active, All Faculty.
    • Assigned to Unit As: Again, you may wish to select "Both" in order to display faculty who are assigned to your unit both as a primary and secondary unit. Use your judgment depending on the context of the export.
  5. The following are your export options: (1) Bulk Export, which allows you to bulk export to a printer, to a Word document, or to a pdf; or (2) Individual Export. To export only a single vita for an individual faculty, select the appropriate icon in the row for the particular faculty. For example, the PDF icon will export the vita as PDF.

Emulate Another Faculty Folio User

Proxy or emulation access to another Faculty Folio user account is available in two ways, depending on the level of proxy access you have:

  • Via Account Access (in the left-hand menu)
    • Use Account Access if you have been granted access to an individual faculty or to a few faculty.
  • Via Administration (in the left-hand menu)
    • Use Administration > Administration > Emulate User if you have department access to emulate all faculty in a Northwestern department.
    • Via Emulate User, under the Administration menu option, select the blue hyperlink number (the number of faculty whom you are able to emulate). You should then see the list of all faculty, selectable for emulation.

To receive access to an individual faculty account, the faculty member can follow the steps in the section on this web page named, "Grant Proxy or Emulation Access to Someone."

To receive access to emulate an entire department's faculty, please email and someone can assist you with the steps to request the permission.

View Which Faculty Have Submitted a Vita Supplement

Administrators and department chairs with administrative access in Faculty Folio are able to view which faculty in their department have submitted vita supplements, such as the Weinberg College Vita Supplement.

  1. Navigate, via the left-hand menu, to Administration > Administration and select Approve Faculty Input under the Activity Input heading.
  2. Select the eye icon in the row of the vita supplement or form you are investigating (e.g., Weinberg College 2020 Vita Supplement). In this row, at a glance, you can see the count of the faculty in your department required to submit the form as well as the percent who have submitted.
  3. Select the eye icon, under the "Approve" column header, in the row of the department or unit you need to investigate. In this row, at a glance, you can see the number of faculty (under the column header "Faculty in Workflow") that were required to fill out the vita supplement or form.
  4. After selecting the eye icons on two different pages, you should now be able to see the full list of faculty in your department or unit who were required to submit a vita supplement--or other form.
    • The "Submitted Date" column will have content if the faculty submitted.
    • The "Submitted Date" column will have NO content if the faculty did NOT submit.
    • The letter/mail icon in each row provides a way to contact the faculty who did not yet submit.
    • If your department would like to "approve" the submission, select the eye icon under the "View and Approve" column. This step is NOT required and varies by department. The dean's office has access to the submitted vita supplement whether or not the department does the "approve" step in the workflow.
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